Bhatgawan is an agriculture village and most of its people live villages and some family person live in cities. Bhatgawan village is a collection of Big houses and some small hut. Some people are rich while others are poor. Bhatgawan village cut from the cities and have a different kind of life.
The Bhatgawan villagers live in natural surroundings. The charm of nature justify the remark of the famous poet says "God made the country and man made the town", As we rise early in the morning, we can listen to the sweet songs of birds. We can enjoy the beauty of the rising sun and the sweet breeze of the greenery of fields around, are the various pleasures that abound in the countryside.
The Bhatgawan villagers pass a healthy, peaceful life and good life. There is no smoke and noise of the city factories. They breathe fresh air which promotes their health. They also get pure ghee and milk. There is no hustle and bustle and no worry as in the modern life. The villagers, therefore, are happy and healthy. They lead a simple life and their desires are few. They are satisfied with what they have and never dream of those luxuries and comforts that modern science has provided us with in such ample measure.
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