Bhatgawan is a my village .Bhatgawan is very big village in Gauriganj Block and also in population .and its a very old village . Bhatgawan market is very famous market . all people live together. all religion like Hindu Muslims live in Bhatgawan village but Hindu in majority. Bhatgawan is a Ambedkar Village .
Bhola Nath Mishra was elected many times as a pradhan in Bhatgawan Village .He was a very gentle people he was listen all people carefully . and other people Chandra Bhanu Tripathi ,Arjun Maurya , Ram Shankar ,Mohd Saleem is also famous in this village
Bhola Nath Mishra was elected many times as a pradhan in Bhatgawan Village .He was a very gentle people he was listen all people carefully . and other people Chandra Bhanu Tripathi ,Arjun Maurya , Ram Shankar ,Mohd Saleem is also famous in this village